

Morris Arboretum

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American Bull

Created by: Lorraine Vail (American, b. 1952) Material: Resin-bonded bronze, 1981 Gift of Dorothy Willaman Haas The Arboretum's streamsides are home to many creatures, including the aquatic bullfrog. Lorraine Vail's scul... more→

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Azalea Meadow

The Azalea Meadow property was purchased as part of the original Morris Estate. During the Morrises’ time it was a large open area surrounded by specimen plants, many of which remain today. These include unusual specie... more→

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Cotswold Sheep

Created by: Charles Layland(American, b. 1928) Material: cor-ten steel, 1980 Gift of Philip and Muriel Berman When viewed from a distance, these Cor-ten steel Cotswold sheep seem startlingly alive. They were fabricated a... more→

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Cottage Garden

The Cottage Garden is located on the southeast side of the Rose Garden and contains a wide variety of old fashioned roses, perennials, and annuals. Planted in the popular cottage garden style, this overflowing mix of pla... more→

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The Dorrance H. Hamilton Ferneryvideo available

The Dorrance H. Hamilton Fernery is the only remaining freestanding Victorian fernery in North America. The Fernery documents a time when Victorians were consumed with ferns and glasshouses. It was designed by the origin... more→

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